A sailing blog about a skipper and his yacht

The Rias Atlas 3rd Sept

by | Sep 3, 2014 | Voyage Logs

The Rias Atlas are sunken estuaries and have been compared to Scottish sea lochs.  Maybe so, they are a bit more developed, no midges and warmer. Still sailing in shorts and t shirt in September. I hadn’t planned to visit them but I am very glad that I did. They are very beautiful and the coast is somewhat rugged. I spent several nights at anchor in Ria de Viveiro and Ria Cedeira. Meet an interesting  French Journalist, Jean Mitchell who used to work for Le Figero. He swam across from his anchored Wharram cat and invited me across for drinks. Sounds rather grand don’t it – invited aboard a yacht for drinks. Like me he is headed south.


Ria Cedeira


Pte Candelaria

anchoraged in Ria Viveriro

anchored in Ria Viveriro

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