A sailing blog about a skipper and his yacht


by | Sep 6, 2014 | Voyage Logs

So I did visit Coruna in the end. Its not really my sort of a place, big city and high prices, but needed a decent chandlery for some charts and a vhf antenna. On the street map was marked Casa Museo Picasso, so I found my way there. By a wooden door between 2 shops was a small sign with opening hours, yes it was open but the door shut. A bell for the 2nd floor was simply marked Picasso so I rang it. After a brief pause the door clicked open and I entered a dark hallway, a dark wooden staircase lead upwards in almost complete darkness and on the 2nd floor a door was ajar. Entering I was in the apartment that Picasso lived in in his time in Galacia. It had been either preserved or restored to how it must have been. It was long and thin, several rooms with  simple furniture, a table with  open notebooks under glass cases, a room that acted as a studio and reproduction Picasso prints on the wall. A young spaniard was the guardian but he had no english and my spanish is still so rudimentary. Nevertheless it was quite a remarkable experience.


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