Passing out through the swing bridge into the Rio Tejo we took the first of the ebb down the river. There were some huge cruise ships moored on the outside of the dock disgorging passengers for their day in Lisbon. The river is really wide so with a gentle following wind I gybed down the river and out passed the light of Bugio built on a shoal at the river entrance. The entrance shoals to the south so you have to stand out quite a way to sea to clear it before turning south. Much later we rounded Cabo Espichel with on its south side some dramatic sea cliffs. One of which issued jets of spray from some undersea opening. Off Sesimbra was a Portugese four masted schooner anchored, a lovely sight. Passing into the harbour we anchored off the beach. I don’t think I have ever seen so many seagulls in one place before, oh maybe except at Bridlington.
Sesimbra has a reputation for its strong northerly breezes in late eve and night and today was no exception. First light saw us weighing the anchor and away. There were now two schooners anchored outside. From the look of it they are Naval training vessels, The Portugese are obviously rightly proud of their seafaring tradition and their navy can find the money to run these fine ships. So why can’t Britain? Probabaly because our Govt choose to spend it on useless high tech weaponry and the Trident Nuclear submarines instead.
Our route today lay across the wide Canhao (Bay) de Setubal so we were out of sight of the coast mostly and there was not much to see apart from lots of dolphins. Still we had a good sail in the morning with a fine easterly breeze and Sea Bear could stretch her legs on a beam reach.
Cabo de Sines was reached and rounding it and the long breakwater we entered the harbour of Sines and moored up in the Marina. Another nice looking town climbing up the hillside and a nice beach.