A sailing blog about a skipper and his yacht

June sailing

At long last it looked like some good weather was on the way  so I headed off down to the boat. High water was around 10pm. I took advantage after readying the dinghy and parking the car by having a nice pint of Adnams Ghost Ship at the Butt & Oyster before rowing out to Sea Bear with the last of the light. There is always some relief when you arrive and find all well with the boat. 

A beer at the Butt & Oyster

A beer at the Butt & Oyster

Tide times and light at times almost non existent winds precluded any plans for going far so a couple of sorties down the Orwell and back. At least it was warm, and relaxing. Then one day after endless tacking down to the docks at Felixstowe the clouds arrived and the rain poured down and the wind disappeared. On with the engine and motored down to anchor at Copperas Bay. At least the rain. stopped and I could dry out. Next day although I tried to sail but no wind so motored down past Harwich and then with a little wind could sail to Pye End with a couple of tacks. Down the Pye channel to the Backwaters it was touch and go hard on the wind. Then glancing over my shoulder a coaster that goes to the explosives factory up Oakley Creek steaming up the channel. It is a narrow channel but just before high water so plenty of room to move over and for it to pass no problem. And so to anchor in Hamford water. 

Gaffer at Hampton water

Gaffer at Hampton water

Out next day a run out down the channel under main and yankee. Out by Pye End I turned and sailed towards Stone Bank. Slow going with a light wind and against the ebb but relaxing. By the buoy I turned for home. Lost the wind closing into Harwich so finished under engine. The forecast remained for very light winds so although it had been a few pleasant warm days (apart from the afternoon of rain) the lack of wind was frustrating and too much motoring needed so headed off home.