Weighed anchor early from Baie Taiohae and set of for the island of Oa Pou about 25 miles away. We were rewarded with blue skies and moderate winds and a fairly calm sea so had a nice sail across.
It is very dramatic island with tall rock spires, the tallest is Mt Oave, a volcanic plug at 4,004 feet high. There was hardly any cloud when we approached so we could see them in all their splendour but since they have been hidden in the cloud.
Hakahau with a population of about a thousand is the 3rd most populated village in the Marquesas, but feels a sleepy little place. We are anchored in the bay behind the breakwater which gives some protection from the swell.
This will be the jumping off spot for the Toumotos about 450 miles away and we will set off when the weather looks suitable last night was very windy and it has kicked up quite a sea outside so we will wait for that to settle before making passage.